Sep 27, 2011

Smith 7th Grade Basketball Team Takes 2nd!

This has been a fun and eventful year. On the last day of 6th grade, Mason decided he wanted to go to Smith Jr High instead of the charter school Franklin Jr. High....(the public school) A big reason was because of his good friends Mitchell Krummenacher and Tait Brown. These boys went out for the bastketball team and had SUCH a fun time!
They are all great athletes! The team did REALLY well! They had a great season and then at the end of the season they went to a tournament and got all the way to the end and finished 2nd! We were so proud of these boys! They did great and we had fun watching them!
Mitchell, Tait and Carson were some of his best friends on the team. They are GOOD kids....ones that every mom wants their kids to hang out with. We love their families and think the world of them! Shortly after this Mason, David and I decided to switch him back to Franklin Jr. High. He is loving it there and doing really well. He has lots of friends there, but he sure misses these boys!
Abbie and Halle (Mitchell's sister) went out and did a little cheerleading for the boys. Kinda nice of Mason & Mitchell to bring their own cheerleading squad huh? Ü
And it never hurts to have your basketball start dad come out to give you a few little pointers to make it a great game!
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