Feb 2, 2011

Since When was Bread bad for Ducks?

I think my mom hates when I go back down memory lane cuz she's sure that I remember the events worse than they really ever were. I do love telling a good story from my past. I really don't think I "embellish" the stories...but just for mom's sake, she would like you to know that I stretch the truth to make the story sound more funny. With that said, I have fond memories of things we did growing up. I do come from a family of 7 children, so Mom and Dad had to be creative with things to do with us that were fun and cheap......and PRACTICAL for that matter. We weren't big crust eaters, and when the bread got a little stale, we weren't big fans...oh and then sometimes the bread got a little mold on it too....which NO ONE likes to eat.....mom wouldn't want to waste....of course not, so she would nicely tuck all the bread into bread bags that we rejected....EVEN THE MOLDY STUFF....(this is where Mom would disagree) She would store them in the freezer so they wouldn't get any more moldy or old....and save them until there was a big grocery bag of bread and then as a family we would go to Utah Lake and feed the ducks! SOOO much fun! We always wished we brought more, those ducks were SO GRATEFUL that we chose to spend our Family HOme Evening feeding them....they would just quack and quack and eat to their hearts' content. They ate ANYTHING we gave them! Yes, even the moldy bread! Well, that was back in the 1980's before ducks weren't so snooty and picky about what they ate. I thought just people went on carb diets! lol So, you can see where I'm going with this, can't you? Ü We had a couple of bags of older hot dog buns...not moldy...maybe a little freezer burned...and a few other bags of bread. I remember that feeling of wishing we had more, so I went and bought 3 more bags of GOOD BREAD at the Bread Outlet and told the family we were going to have a fun night of feeding the ducks for Family Home Evening like I did when I was a kid! You know, it's good for the kids to know that we were kids once too! They were all so excited!
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Look at that! So much fun! The kids picked the good loaves first cuz they were hungry too. So they would eat a piece and throw a piece. You know, eating dinner WITH the ducks! We were JUST getting started!


What? We haven't even BEGUN! Full already? You ungrateful Ducks! hahaha....just kidding! I really was BLOWN AWAY! I mean, c'mon....we haven't even gotten through our first bags and it's getting dark! How are we going to drive and find more ducks before it's dark? We should have opened the stale stuff first! My whole purpose in coming was not to waste....er spend time as a family! Ü

As you can see...those blasted ducks started to swim away...they had ENOUGH! Yep, enough! I started looking around....was anyone else surprised? I was determined to get rid of these bags of bread! So I said, "C'mon! Jump in the car! There is a lake outside of the Library, let's go there!" We drive as quickly as we can....and get there and Lo and Behold, there is a sign that says "Do NOT feed the ducks bread, it's bad for them. Feed them seeds or grain" (or something like that). Really? Has anyone else heard of this or is it just me? Is is a Utah/Arizona thing? Really? C'mon....this is crazy.

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The kids went and got their football out of the car and we went to Plan "B"...which was play catch, and climb on the cement structure. Oh, and go to the Library and get a few books. I'm just wondering....Are we criminals to go and feed the ducks again? Should we just totally cross this activity off the list? Does anyone else feed ducks bread? Really.....


Crissie said...

What?? Since when is bread bad for ducks?? Ridiculous! Sounds like a fun f.h.e. activity to me!

Autumn said...

Oh puulease! Ducks love bread! We still feed the ducks in Springville and they never leave until we're done. I even bring stale waffles. They love it all. Must be high maintenance Arizona ducks. :P
So glad to see another sibling carrying on the tradition. I'm so jealous you're so warm down there!

Oak said...

agreed.... the ducks are happy to fatten up on anything so they don't have to go looking for the food... I mean... who doesn't like to relax in the pool and be waited on right?