Aug 27, 2009

Who's in Charge anyway?

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I don't know what you think, but I think it is more difficult to raise a girl. I'm SO grateful to have a daughter, don't get me wrong...but on numerous occasions, I have been questioned by Abbie "Why are YOU in charge?" Really? Are you kidding? I don't think I ever dared to say that when I was a kid... Well, maybe I did....if you ask my sister Brook, she claims that I was always making up what we were going to play and then I got to be the one in charge. I was the Primary President or the Secretary and wanted people to come and be my primary kids or clients or whatever other idea I would drum I guess I've got a daughter like me. Serves me right, huh? :)
Abbie is such a great daughter. She keeps us smiling and laughing and really knows how to keep the attention on her. She is quite a great leader and I'm still trying to learn how to channel the "leadership quality" that she possesses. She often has her friends mad that she is always the boss or gets to chose what they do and I try to teach her that she will NOT win friends and influence people this way!
There are LOTS of stories to tell about Abbie being "in charge" but there's one I'm thinking about tonight.
SO, I go on Thursdays to help at the kids' school...and after I got done today... I went into the office to check out and the secretary (Lisa) told me that yesterday a couple of kids had gotten into a fight on the bus. Well, Abbie took matters into her own hands and had a "death grip" (as Lisa said) on one of the boys arms and walked them into the new Principal's office and said "Miss Householder (while making a form of a house over the top of her head) these boys got in a fight on the bus and they are supposed to come and talk to you!" -----side note, the Principal wanted the kids to remember her name, so she walked into every class and held her hands over her head in a "v" and said "I'm Miss Householder, and this looks like a house over my head. This way you can always remember my name" Well...apparently Abbie thinks that when you address the principal, you need to do the actions with the name! Mercy, she is funny.
Long story short, I guess Miss Householder came out to Lisa and said, "Do you know who that little blond girl is?" And Lisa said "yes". Miss H said "She sure knows what she wants! No fear in that little girl!" Lisa said "Yep, probably will be the first Lady President of the United States!" Kinda funny. Really, what's funny is that Abbie is afraid of things like Chuck E Cheese, but apparently doesn't blink going into the Principal's office.


Tawni said...

That is too funny that she took charge of the whole situation.
He was very thankful to her, because he was pretty scared about going into the principle's office.
I LOVE those pics of her too!
You are doing awesome blogging, isn't it soo much fun!!!

Tawni said...

I got an email that you commented on 2 things, but I can't find them anywhere, can you lead me in the right direction? Or tell me I am full of it?

Johnna Jayne said...

I don't know from personnel experience what it's like to raise a girl, but heck, I am one and the thought of raising a little me is terrifying. However, you are awesome and a great mother. I could use some of Abbie's leadership skills for myself!

Natalie said...

Look at you go, you blogging queen! I am SO impressed. I still want lessons on making a collage out of my pics.

Abbie is too funny! Thanks for the laugh!

Autumn said...

LOL! Great story telling! I can totally picture her little hands making a "house" over her head. Love that girl.

Lisa said...

Yes, girls are tough! My boys have always been so easy. Cute blog! Thanks for inviting me, Heather. I want to know as well how to do a collage. Your family looks great. (how does bishop crawford stay so young?)